According to previous decisions with the Swedish and Norwegian traffic authorities, STRO has ceased to publish the winter tire lists!
STRO’s Board of Directors has decided to discontinue the publication of winter tire lists, the tire lists for passenger cars and heavy vehicles that are considered by the respective tire manufacturers to meet the requirements for winter tires in Swedish and Norwegian regulations.
Ever since the current definitions and requirements for winter tires in Swedish and Norwegian regulations were introduced, ie that a winter tire is a tire that is “specially designed for winter driving”, the lists have filled a very good function as consumer information.
In the mid-1990s when STRO winter tire lists were introduced, there was no labeling with qualifying functional tests as requirements. For some years now, there are 3 PMSF (Three Peak Mountain Snowflake) markings with functional test on snow as the foundation. It is this marking and function test that according to UN ECE R117 qualifies a tire for use in “difficult snow conditions”.
The development of new test methods can in the future provide opportunities for more markings on tires and thus clearer information for both retailers and consumers about which tires partly meet the legal requirements, but also which is recommended for Nordic winter conditions.
More and more countries, not least in Europe, are introducing rules on the use of winter tires, and where the definitions in UN ECE R117 form the basis of the requirements of these rules.
In light of all this, STRO believes today that these lists no longer fulfill the function that they did when, at the authorities’ desire, they were once introduced.
The possibilities and tools for the introduction of clearer legislation exist today, which is why we believe that the removal of the lists will not pose any problems for authorities, manufacturers and suppliers to provide relevant consumer information.
Another aspect is that maintaining the winter tire lists may conflict with existing competition law in the EU or individual countries.
The update and publication of STRO winter tire lists will cease as of January 1, 2019. ”
Here you will find all information about STRO and its organization, statutes and board as well as presentations from member meetings, etc.
Read moreSTRO Data book contains new and older data for over 7000 different tire dimensions. Click here to order!